Monday, July 5, 2010

Savannah, a Jewel of the South!

Although Charleston is my first love and has my heart, I can't deny the romantic feelings I also have for Savannah, Georgia.  (Is it possible to love two cities at once?  I just can't truly choose between them!)  Savannah is where we went for our honeymoon, and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  We are old souls, so strolling around under live oaks that are centuries old and eating in taverns that were once frequented by pirates is right up our alley.  But before you venture out, let me warn you that Savannah is HOT!  It's a sweltering, humid, suffocating heat in the summertime, and since it's best enjoyed by foot it's much more comfortable in the fall or early spring.  The city is so beautiful, and so graceful, and so eccentric that it's hard not to fall in love with it.  The spanish moss draped over all the tree branches just take my breath away.  I'd sneak some back home, but they just won't grow where I live :-(

One of the things that is impossible to miss in Savannah is the beautiful iron work.  The gates, balconies, and railings are so beautiful and so charming, they almost make me swoon.  And when the gates conceal beautiful private gardens beyond, I almost get arrested for trespassing (almost). 

The houses and buildings themselves are full of charm, and sometimes it almost seems as if you've traveled back in time.

This one was for sale by auction.  The porch is stunning.

If you've ever read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, you'll remember Mercer House, the site of the alleged murder.  If you haven't read it, well then what are you waiting for??
I just love how the moss and ivy are growing up the staircase. 

Besides the houses, Savannah is home to some of the most beautiful churches.  My favorite is the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. 
Here's a big shot that doesn't do it justice at all.  I was trying to show how magnificently ornate it is, but it's impossible to capture all the details.  There isn't an inch of space that has been left untouched or unplanned.
This section of one of the stained glass windows is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.

Even the ceilings are magnificent. 
These large and beautiful sculptures are found along the walls.  I believe they represent the Stations of the Cross.
It would be a tragedy to visit Savannah and not pay a visit to this breath-taking church.  But of course, it's not the only one.  My husband took this picture of another church in town.
 It's one of my favorites!  The angle is powerful, and I don't know when I've even seen the sky quite that color! 

These are just a few of the lovely sights Savannah has to offer.  I'll also be writing about some of my other favorite spots like Forsyth Park, the Pirate House, The Lady and Sons (love Paula Deen!) and Bonaventure Cemetary  (yes, cemetary.  My mother thinks it's morbid, too, but just wait until you see it!)  However, I can't stress enough how much these photos just can't do it justice.  Savannah is sights, smells, sensations, and emotions that just can't be described in words or captured in pictures.  You can literally feel the rich history in the air, and you may never want to leave.  Don't say I didn't warn you!

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